
HOKUSAI from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston (The Ueno Royal Museum)

(Translated by Google Translate)

Hokusai exhibition finale of the series exhibition to showcase the Ukiyo-e to collection of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.

The only collection of its own, enough to planning an exhibition to showcase the works of Hokusai lifelong, Boston Museum of Fine Arts of Yukari, boasts a collection of huge Japanese art Bigelow, Morse, Fenollosa, to Okakura Tenshin et al.

Already, held in Nagoya, Kobe, Kitakyushu, Tokyo became the last.

I visited shortly after the start, but already enormous peoples. Sometimes it is Hokusai is famous in the world, the figure of foreign people there were many.

Work had been exhibited in the order of age almost. Patterned after Katsukawa Syunsho of teacher, early works that had identified himself Katsukawa Syunroh, often picture actor.

When I drew the works representative of the Hokusai, thirty-six Jing Fugaku, such as countries Taki tour, had called himself surprisingly, Toka Hokusai breaks for one, Hokusai and so on Hokusai Tameichi, before.

Ghost image, the Hyakumonogatari which is famous for, such as Oiwa's, named Hokusai, before is litho.

Hokusai, are changing the name many times in his lifetime. For Hokusai, the name that is written in the picture, such as, perhaps was not so important.

It probably was thinking than name written next to the picture, towards the painting itself depicted in there, and represents better than what his ability to draw.

At the end of the venue, daughter of Hokusai, original painting of Katsushika Ohi, three songs ensemble diagram was exhibited.

In fact, rather than see the work of Hokusai, visited the exhibition, much better to see the original painting of Ohi is, was a big purpose.

Painter visionary works extant, there are only about 10 points.

Three women came a beautiful kimono, facing each other, are playing harp, fiddle, shamisen, colorful works.

Ohi who is said on behalf Hokusai it was not good to draw a beautiful picture, is in the works for some, and had been ghost-writing only the part of women.

The later years of Ohi after Hokusai's death, that it is not well understood even now.

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